2025-2026 Executive Board

PresidentMichael Ouvry
Vice PresidentBob Maes
Recording SecretaryNorm Kay
TreasurerRoland Deprez
Financial SecretaryBob Grant

Board of Directors

EntertainmentBob Maes
CommunicationNorm Kay
AuditingMike Aluia
KitchenCharles Lietart
RefreshmentsMichael Ouvry
Sick and VIsitingEtienne Elskens
RecreationRick Dauw
ObituariesPaul Mareel
WebmasterAlec Ouvry
BandLarry Mahieu
MembershipGary Gekiiere
RaffleKirk Mareel
ScholarshipAl VenDenBergh Jr
MarshalJeff Horan
MarshalAlec Ouvry
ChaplainFr James Commyn
ChaplainFr Ron DeHondt