Our organization offers up to three $1000 scholarships to children of members and members within three years

of their high school graduation.  The requirements for this scholarship do not include any income

qualifier but there are a number of things the applicant must do to be considered.

Every applicant must submit a copy of their high school transcript with their ACT or SAT scores.  A letter

of acceptance from their college or university is required.  Also, lists of their high school extracurricular

activities and any awards and outside activities they were involved in during their high school years.

Finally the applicant must submit an essay entitled “How I feel about my Belgian Heritage.”

All of this has to be turned into the scholarship chairman by September 4th.  The winners are selected by the scholarship committee in October and the scholarships presented at our January Installation of Officers Party.

For a printable version of the scholarship application, click HERE.

Al VanDenBergh Jr., Scholarship Chairman

147 Cherryl Lane

Algonac, Mi 48001